Report on 《Application of Network Pharmacology in Pharmacy》
author: Time:2022-04-01 Number of hits:
On March 29, Professor Li Pingya and Professor Liu Jinping of the department of Pharmaceutical Design organized an online training on "Application of Network Pharmacology in Pharmacy".
The online report is hosted by Professor Wang Cuizhu of the department of Pharmaceutical Design. The reporter is Wang Caixia, the 2020 graduate student of our school.Wang Caixia mainly focuses on four aspects: network pharmacology concept, network pharmacology application, network pharmacology ideas, summary and prospect.
This online report of "Application of Network Pharmacology in Pharmacy" was a complete success. Every student has also seen that Wang Caixia is very proficient in memorizing and using various databases.Therefore, Hope that students should also practice more after the report, so that can use it freely and really put into practice what has learned.